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GOAL: The student engages in one or more types of disruptive behavior in the classroom. Your goal is for the student to reduce and eventually eliminate his disruptive behavior.


1. Is the student’s problem behavior related to academic issues? A student who has difficulty with schoolwork may act disruptive to hide the fact that he is incapable of meeting the academic expectations. Make concurrent efforts to ensure the student’s academic success.

2. Is the behavior related to student’s lack of social skills?

3. Does the student not complete his schoolwork as a result of the disruptive behavior?

4. Have you or other staff members been aware of this problem for only a few days or a week?

5. Is the student disruptive to gain attention from adults or peers?

6. Is the student disruptive to gain power or status?

7. Is the student unaware of the magnitude or frequency of his disruptive acts?

8. Is the student’s disruptive behavior habitual?

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